Thursday, June 28, 2007

relative visiting

my cousin and aunt came to visit from Norway! i am having lots of fun with them here, except my aunt thinks that 10:00 in the morning is a good time to get up...


Becka said...

Ok I thought I had published my comments, but I guess not. I'm the 1st ever to comment!!! I get up around 7. You? Do you know any Norweigen?

Becka said...

I just saw your pic. I love it. I also saw your list of things to eat so I had to comment again. I love apple crisp and apple pie!

Lisabeth said...

How are you? I have a blog too! The website is I think if you want to see it! Or there is a link to it from Rebecca's blog. (under Lisabeth) How has your summer been going? Have you done anything fun?
<3 Elisabeth

P said...

how are things going with you? i'm glad the comment thing got figured out on yours cuz i wanted to leave you one only i couldn't. hope your summer is going really good. we are leaving for michigan tomorrow for a week. hope to see you soon!

Lisabeth said...

Which camp did you go to? Have fun when you go to Scotland, England, and France. Paula told me about it! :) It sounds like tons of fun!

Top Ten Desserts (revised)

  • 1. Chocolate
  • 2. Chocolate Covered Eclairs
  • 3. Chocolate Chip Date Cake
  • 4. Chocolate Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 5. Brownies
  • 6. Apple Pie
  • 7. Rhubarb Crisp
  • 8. Apple Crisp
  • 9. Cream Puffs
  • 10. French Silk Pie