Sunday, September 30, 2007

cabin fun

This weekend I went up to my cabin with my family, and my sister's friend (all of you were busy...grrr I had to survive them alone) it was lots of fun, although it was a bit rainy. I had to finish my painting for art class, so I took it along to work on. Now I'm guessing when most of you bring your art work home, you get lots of compliments on how pretty it looks and what a great job you've done. I immediately got a lecture on how my perspective was off, how I could fix it, and the inadequate ways that I had mixed my paint. And not only from my dad, the art teacher, but my mom as well! (She has to use her art major somewhere, and I am fortunate enough to be the recipient.) When I started to set up my stuff at the dinning room table (the only flat surface in the cabin besides the floor mind you), I was told that the area was unventilated, and that one should never use highly toxic acrylic paint in close proximity to an eating area! grragh! Anyway, I finished my painting and it looks very pretty, and I see nothing wrong with my perspective or brush strokes. On Saturday night, my parents taught us how to play Sheep's Head. Its a very complicated card game with trump and partners and points stuff. It is very fun though, and I beat my mom who has been playing much longer then I have. I also played double solitaire with my sister and her friend (they worked together as a team, and I still beat them) They refused to play triple solitaire sadly, because that even better then double solitaire, but not quite as good as quadruple. Unfortunately, AP Lang Comp vocab studying and math homework are calling (yes it is late, but where would the world be with out procrastinators)


Lisabeth said...

Sounds like fun. I wish we could have been there with you! :( Stupid tennis...I'm listening to awesome music right now and I'm really happy!

Becka said...

Cabin fun! I'm sure you painting was lovely. You'll have to take a picture of it so I can see it and show your family how you're supposed compliment.

Hanna said...

what awesome music are you listening to Elisabeth? if you and paula don't mind sleeping on the floor you could come up to my cabin over teachers convention. and i will take a picture of my painting and put it up when i get it back.

P said...

hey!! sounds like you had fun at your cabin. i wish we could have come but we had silly tennis that got cancelled anyway!

Lisabeth said...

I was listening to Something Corporate. They are great! Hairspray will be fun if we can get it to work out!

P said...

yay! movie today, i am excited!

P said...

hey, we still haven't figured out what went wrong with the homecoming pictures. i'll email the ones i can to you really soon though i promise!!

Top Ten Desserts (revised)

  • 1. Chocolate
  • 2. Chocolate Covered Eclairs
  • 3. Chocolate Chip Date Cake
  • 4. Chocolate Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 5. Brownies
  • 6. Apple Pie
  • 7. Rhubarb Crisp
  • 8. Apple Crisp
  • 9. Cream Puffs
  • 10. French Silk Pie