Sunday, December 16, 2007


updates on Hanna's life
  • turned 17
  • had youth symphony concert with big huge solo- director doesn't acknowledge me
  • lots of snow in eau claire
  • baked 7,836 Christmas cookies
yup, I've done so many exciting things...


P said...

yay, your solo was great!! i saw your forehead! yummy cookies...

Becka said...

Wow how long did it take to bake all the cookies? What kind? why does he not acknowledge you?

Lisabeth said...

Wow, that's a lot of cookies! Great job in the concert!! :)

Becka said...

It's 6:58 and I'm waiting until it's time to go to school. How pathetic is that!

Hanna said...

he did not acknowledge me because i am so amazing that i need no acknowledgment. it took one weekend. we bake fast. tomorrow i am going to a cookie party at athenas

P said...

merry christmas!! hope your day is great!!

Becka said...

Late merry Christmas!

P said...

update you boring person you

P said...

So does 11:30 still work for you?

Top Ten Desserts (revised)

  • 1. Chocolate
  • 2. Chocolate Covered Eclairs
  • 3. Chocolate Chip Date Cake
  • 4. Chocolate Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 5. Brownies
  • 6. Apple Pie
  • 7. Rhubarb Crisp
  • 8. Apple Crisp
  • 9. Cream Puffs
  • 10. French Silk Pie