Thursday, March 13, 2008


Spring is finally here! It got to 50 degrees today! All the snow is melting and it is sunny and b-e-a-utiful. There is a huge lake in my driveway which makes it hard to park. I started AP Gov, which would be a good class with a different teacher. I also have gym, which is a comedown from painting. Elisabeth and I are working on a duet for solo ensemble, and I am doing a violin and clarinet solo. I moved up to second chair in band, and the first chair was gone today, so I had to play the solo. (yikes!) One more day of school, then SPRING BREAK! I am going college shopping with my dad in New York, Michigan, and Milwaukee. Tomorrow I'm hanging out with the Memorial female portion of the Youth Symphony woodwinds and we are going bowling. Hope life is good for every one else!


Lisabeth said...

Sounds like fun!

P said...

yay bowling! have fun college shopping. i am sooo excited to see the ponies! i have to go now, my dad put in lord of the rings on our new tv and i don't want to miss it!

Becka said...

You're seeing ponies? Our break doesn't start until Thursday. Wednesday, we have a 1/2 day. HAVE FUN Y'ALL!!!!

Becka said...

Ok, nobody else has commented so I will have to comment again.

Top Ten Desserts (revised)

  • 1. Chocolate
  • 2. Chocolate Covered Eclairs
  • 3. Chocolate Chip Date Cake
  • 4. Chocolate Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 5. Brownies
  • 6. Apple Pie
  • 7. Rhubarb Crisp
  • 8. Apple Crisp
  • 9. Cream Puffs
  • 10. French Silk Pie