Tuesday, July 31, 2007


i'm at my cousins house in england right now, having lots of fun. we were just up in scotland, and will be here for a week, then 4 days in paris, then home. when i can get pictures, i will. have fun on break!


Becka said...

Is it really cool?

P said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i wish i was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will have to take lots of pictures of all the prettyness and tape record hot scottish boys talking!!!! see you soon

Lisabeth said...

Awesome! That sounds like so much fun. I agree with Paula about the pictures and hot scottish boys...haha. :)

Becka said...

Me 2

Hanna said...

too bad i am already out of Scotland...but i will tape my 7 year old cousin who speaks with a British accent. when i get back we can have a picture party! and i am brining back ribena, which is the most amazing drink ever, and we can have that too. i sent you a post card a few days ago becka, so it should be there soon! yay!

P said...

YOU HAVE TO SEE NEWSIES!!! i own it so we shall have a movie night when you get back and we will watch it!!

Lisabeth said...

Hey I got my hair cut! I have long bangs now!

Becka said...

I really can't wait for the post card!!! Lisabeth, you should put a picture of you on your blog w/ your hair cut.

Lisabeth said...

I'll have to do that today! I really need to take a shower first cuz otherwise it will look like a greasey slime-ball! Haha, not really.

Hanna said...

paula already got her prom dress??? wow, i don't even have a homecoming dress yet :) i think i am reusing one though

Lisabeth said...

Yeah, but it was at Savers for $20 so it was hard to pass up. I'll have to make her post a picture of her in it! :) It could be for Winter Carnival, though also.

Top Ten Desserts (revised)

  • 1. Chocolate
  • 2. Chocolate Covered Eclairs
  • 3. Chocolate Chip Date Cake
  • 4. Chocolate Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 5. Brownies
  • 6. Apple Pie
  • 7. Rhubarb Crisp
  • 8. Apple Crisp
  • 9. Cream Puffs
  • 10. French Silk Pie