Monday, November 5, 2007


On Saturday I got 13 inches cut off of my hair and donated it to locks of love. My hair is now quite short, although not as short as Paula's. About the same length as Megan's. I am also third chair in band (yay) which is nice, but I also have to learn completely new music. Friday is a happy day. I get my braces off.


Lisabeth said...

I LOOOOOVE YOUR HAIRCUT! It looks amazing on you! I can't wait for you to get your braces off. You will look awesome!
<3 Lisabeth
Oh, btw Paula got a Winter Carnival dress this weekend, so could I borrow yours???

P said...

YAY HAIRCUT!! i am happy, you will be soooo pretty without your braces and with your new haircut!! all of us will be jealous!

Becka said...

Picture please!

Hanna said...

I'll put up a picture after my braces are off. and of course you can borrow my dress Elisabeth. its a 5, i hope that fits? it fit me, it laces up in the back to its quite adjustable

Lisabeth said...

Ok, thanks! I am really excited for Winter Carnival! :)

Lisabeth said...


Becka said...

Opps, that accidentially posted twice. Oh well. It can be repeated.

P said...

hope you had a great thanksgiving!! we should hang out.

Hanna said...

duh we should hang out. i found a really cute skirt pattern, we should have fun making it tomorrow/sunday. i'll call you, i think i have your number. otherwise aim works too

Lisabeth said...

We'll have to get together next weekend since today doesn't work for us. I still have to find some fabric also, so maybe its better next weekend. Does that work for you?

Hanna said...

sounds good! i am excited

Top Ten Desserts (revised)

  • 1. Chocolate
  • 2. Chocolate Covered Eclairs
  • 3. Chocolate Chip Date Cake
  • 4. Chocolate Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 5. Brownies
  • 6. Apple Pie
  • 7. Rhubarb Crisp
  • 8. Apple Crisp
  • 9. Cream Puffs
  • 10. French Silk Pie